
  • "Brace yourself for battle this summer with Wild Survivors! This 60-card set brings three new captivating strategies that can dominate Duels! Each theme has a unique gameplay style to discover, so find the one that fits you best! Here?s just a sample of what is on the menu: Prepare for combat with the new ?Vanquish Soul? monsters! Each monster has two unique effects that you activate just by revealing cards in your hand. (Don?t worry, you can still use those cards, after revealing them!) For example, reveal a DARK monster and Vanquish Soul Heavy Borger lets you draw a card! Reveal EARTH & FIRE, and it will do 1500 damage to your opponent. (And all of these effects are Quick Effects, so you can use them whenever you want, during EITHER player?s turn!) Extra Bonus: You can ?tag out? your smaller ?Vanquish Soul? monsters to bring in your Level 7 and 8 ones, and the monsters you tag out go back to your hand, so you can use them all over again! If you?ve got an appetite for destruction, it?s time to build a Nouvelles Deck, because havoc?s back on the menu! Everybody?s a food critic these days, and these new Ritual Monsters are having none of it. Whenever they?re targeted by an effect or attack, Nouvelles monsters let you Tribute monsters ? even your opponent?s monster! ? to Summon a higher-Level Nouvelles Ritual Monster from your hand or Deck. This protects them against targeted effects and attacks, while they Level up again and again, until bringing out their top chef, Baelgrill de Nouvelles, who negates all your opponent?s cards on the field, then can Tribute all their monsters, just to get rid of them! Giant Dinosaurs that evolved to use different types of Summoning!?Wild Survivors?introduces new Dinosaur monsters for your Extra Deck, including a Fusion, a Synchro, and an Xyz Monster! Whether you?re powering up your existing Dinosaur Deck or looking to build one for the first time, you?ll be able to find the cards you need in?Wild Survivors! The Wild Survivors booster set contains 60 cards: 10 Ultra Rare Cards, 15 Super Rare Cards, 35 Rare Cards 15 cards in the set are also available as Collector?s Rares Name, design and contents subject to change.
  • This amazing set has been designed to give the wargamer a ?one box fits all? tool kit. Includes all the basic tools you need to assemble any miniatures army. It also includes a free 5g Super Glue as well as a guide to tool safety and the Army Painter Technique Painting Guide. All-in-one set: Includes all the essential model building tools to assemble any miniature army Premium quality hobby tools Includes a free 5g super glue
  • Roll into Magic: The Gathering with the giant Black Lotus Spindown D20!
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