Modelling Primer

  • This spray is ideal for wood (warmachines and Chariots), leather and brown skin and fur. Also use for great effect on horses, wolves, Beastmen and Minotaurs for instance. This spray coupled with Quickshade Dark Tone makes for great Zulu warriors with lots of exposed skin - saving you many hours of base coating!
  • It is ideal for the rotten skin of Ghouls, zombies, vampires, pestilence demons and plague warshipping ratmen etc. However, as with all Colour Primers, its uses are not limited to the living dead alone and this cool colour can be used on anything else. Perfect Matt colour.
  • A truly unique spray. It has the look of hardened steel yet still being so matt that other acrylic paints cover it perfectly. This spray has endless uses and anything in armour craves an undercoat of this fantastic Colour Primer - saving you loads of time! Prod.
  • A truly groundbreaking spray. The pigment in the Colour Primer is such a good quality that it will easily cover even previous black undercoated models! Its uses are endless within the Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Historical genre. Use Strong Tone or Dark Tone Quickshade for fantastic results.
  • The name says it all... But apart from Space Marines, this is also the perfect colour for Lizardmen, Imp. guard, Cygnar or American Civil War for instance. The Ultramarine Blue colour works well with Quickshade Dark Tone, shading it to a beautiful finish.
  • Wolf Grey is a beautiful greyish blue colour, perfect for Space Wolves or Urban fatigues, furs, monsters or as a great alternative to blue. This colour will work exceptionally well with Strong Tone or Dark Tone Quickshade.
  • From the Gamemaster Dungeons and Caverns Core Set comes these water-based Terrain Primers. The Terrain Primer is specifically designed to be used on foam which regular Colour Primers would dissolve instantly. This makes terrain building and painting so much easier and faster, as you don’t have to manually hand paint everything. Contains: Dungeon & Subterrain Primer x3 Ruins & Cliffs Terrain Primer x3 Wilderness & Woodland Terrain Primer x3 Snow & Tundra Terrain Primer x3 Desert & Arid Wastes Terrain Primer x3 Terrain Sealer x3
  • Gamemaster Terrain Primer is the ultimate foundation when building terrain and scenery. This high quality water-based primer has a matt finish, is non-toxic, odorless, and will not corrode your building materials – no matter if you’re using XPS foam, polystyrene or MDF sheets. 100% Match to Desert Yellow Warpaint Contains 300ml
  • Gamemaster Terrain Primer is the ultimate foundation when building terrain and scenery. This high quality water-based primer has a matt finish, is non-toxic, odorless, and will not corrode your building materials – no matter if you’re using XPS foam, polystyrene or MDF sheets. 100% Match to Hardened Carapace Warpaint Contains 300ml
  • Gamemaster Terrain Primer is the ultimate foundation when building terrain and scenery. This high quality water-based primer has a matt finish, is non-toxic, odorless, and will not corrode your building materials – no matter if you’re using XPS foam, polystyrene or MDF sheets. 100% Match to Necromancer Cloak Warpaint Contains 300ml
  • Gamemaster Terrain Primer is the ultimate foundation when building terrain and scenery. This high quality water-based primer has a matt finish, is non-toxic, odorless, and will not corrode your building materials – no matter if you’re using XPS foam, polystyrene or MDF sheets. 100% Match to Gorgon Hide Warpaint Contains 300ml
  • Gamemaster Terrain Primer is the ultimate foundation when building terrain and scenery. This high quality water-based primer has a matt finish, is non-toxic, odorless, and will not corrode your building materials – no matter if you’re using XPS foam, polystyrene or MDF sheets. 100% Match to Crypt Wraith Warpaint Contains 300ml


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