
  • "Brace yourself for battle this summer with Wild Survivors! This 60-card set brings three new captivating strategies that can dominate Duels! Each theme has a unique gameplay style to discover, so find the one that fits you best! Here?s just a sample of what is on the menu: Prepare for combat with the new ?Vanquish Soul? monsters! Each monster has two unique effects that you activate just by revealing cards in your hand. (Don?t worry, you can still use those cards, after revealing them!) For example, reveal a DARK monster and Vanquish Soul Heavy Borger lets you draw a card! Reveal EARTH & FIRE, and it will do 1500 damage to your opponent. (And all of these effects are Quick Effects, so you can use them whenever you want, during EITHER player?s turn!) Extra Bonus: You can ?tag out? your smaller ?Vanquish Soul? monsters to bring in your Level 7 and 8 ones, and the monsters you tag out go back to your hand, so you can use them all over again! If you?ve got an appetite for destruction, it?s time to build a Nouvelles Deck, because havoc?s back on the menu! Everybody?s a food critic these days, and these new Ritual Monsters are having none of it. Whenever they?re targeted by an effect or attack, Nouvelles monsters let you Tribute monsters ? even your opponent?s monster! ? to Summon a higher-Level Nouvelles Ritual Monster from your hand or Deck. This protects them against targeted effects and attacks, while they Level up again and again, until bringing out their top chef, Baelgrill de Nouvelles, who negates all your opponent?s cards on the field, then can Tribute all their monsters, just to get rid of them! Giant Dinosaurs that evolved to use different types of Summoning!?Wild Survivors?introduces new Dinosaur monsters for your Extra Deck, including a Fusion, a Synchro, and an Xyz Monster! Whether you?re powering up your existing Dinosaur Deck or looking to build one for the first time, you?ll be able to find the cards you need in?Wild Survivors! The Wild Survivors booster set contains 60 cards: 10 Ultra Rare Cards, 15 Super Rare Cards, 35 Rare Cards 15 cards in the set are also available as Collector?s Rares Name, design and contents subject to change.
  • "Brace yourself for battle this summer with Wild Survivors! This 60-card set brings three new captivating strategies that can dominate Duels! Each theme has a unique gameplay style to discover, so find the one that fits you best! Here?s just a sample of what is on the menu: Prepare for combat with the new ?Vanquish Soul? monsters! Each monster has two unique effects that you activate just by revealing cards in your hand. (Don?t worry, you can still use those cards, after revealing them!) For example, reveal a DARK monster and Vanquish Soul Heavy Borger lets you draw a card! Reveal EARTH & FIRE, and it will do 1500 damage to your opponent. (And all of these effects are Quick Effects, so you can use them whenever you want, during EITHER player?s turn!) Extra Bonus: You can ?tag out? your smaller ?Vanquish Soul? monsters to bring in your Level 7 and 8 ones, and the monsters you tag out go back to your hand, so you can use them all over again! If you?ve got an appetite for destruction, it?s time to build a Nouvelles Deck, because havoc?s back on the menu! Everybody?s a food critic these days, and these new Ritual Monsters are having none of it. Whenever they?re targeted by an effect or attack, Nouvelles monsters let you Tribute monsters ? even your opponent?s monster! ? to Summon a higher-Level Nouvelles Ritual Monster from your hand or Deck. This protects them against targeted effects and attacks, while they Level up again and again, until bringing out their top chef, Baelgrill de Nouvelles, who negates all your opponent?s cards on the field, then can Tribute all their monsters, just to get rid of them! Giant Dinosaurs that evolved to use different types of Summoning!?Wild Survivors?introduces new Dinosaur monsters for your Extra Deck, including a Fusion, a Synchro, and an Xyz Monster! Whether you?re powering up your existing Dinosaur Deck or looking to build one for the first time, you?ll be able to find the cards you need in?Wild Survivors! The Wild Survivors booster set contains 60 cards: 10 Ultra Rare Cards, 15 Super Rare Cards, 35 Rare Cards 15 cards in the set are also available as Collector?s Rares Name, design and contents subject to change.
  • Wave 2 - expected November 17th The third and final piece of an ancient legend is finally here! The 2022 Tin of the Pharaoh?s Gods puts the last piece of the mysterious Pharaonic tablet discovered in Egypt in YOUR hands! You can wield the power of the Pharaoh?s Gods with a beautiful new tin that depicts the top section of the Tablet of Lost Memories, immortalizing Slifer the Sky Dragon, Obelisk the Tormentor, and The Winged Dragon of Ra! Just like the 2020 Tin of Lost Memories, 2021 Tin of Ancient Battles, and the 2022 Tin of the Pharaoh?s Gods have embossed/debossed sides, and rimless lids that fit flush with the tin body, allowing the tins to be stacked on top of each other to build the entire tablet. If you already have the 2020 and 2021 tins, picking up this tin will allow you to complete your very own tablet! To celebrate the Tins? historic 20-year run, this year?s Mega Set will also include new artwork for 3 classic monsters that headlined some of the earliest Tins:? Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Red-Eyes Black Dragon, and Dark Magician Girl! It?ll also include 7 new cards as well as all-time great cards from years past like Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit, Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Lightning Storm, Nibiru the Primal Being, Forbidden Droplet, Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon, and more! The 2022 Tin Mega-Pack mega-set is primarily made up of popular cards released in 2021, including cards from Blazing Vortex, Lightning Overdrive, Dawn of Majesty, Burst of Destiny, and more!
  • The second piece of an ancient legend stands before you! The 2021 Tin of Ancient Battles builds (literally!) on the foundation of the 2020 Tin of Lost Memories, featuring the middle section of the mysterious Pharaonic tablet discovered in Egypt! (Most Duelists never noticed, but the 2020 tins, and now the 2021 tins, have embossed/debossed sides, and rimless lids that fit flush with the tin body, allowing the tins to be stacked on top of each other to build the entire Pharaonic tablet ? once all three pieces have been assembled!) The eternal clash between the spirits of the Dark Magician and the Blue-Eyes White Dragon are immortalized in this carving, along with 3 brand-new World Premiere cards to give these monsters a new power boost.
  • PRODUCT RELEASES 25th January 2024 The new Yu‑Gi‑Oh! TCG 2-Player Starter Set is the perfect way for any new Duelist to learn the ropes, with a friend, their family, or all by themselves! Using 2 different Decks to go head-to-head, the Starter Set’s 64-page comic book walks you through a scripted (non-randomized) Duel to teach Yu‑Gi‑Oh! TCG basics from the beginning, from your first card draw, through Summons and battles, to the Extra Deck’s Synchro and Xyz Monsters. After completing the teaching Duel, the Decks can be re-assembled to go through it again or used as standard and complete Dueling Decks to launch your journey into the Yu‑Gi‑Oh! TCG universe!Each 2-Player Starter Set includes:
    • 2 different 44-card Decks (2 x 40-card Main Decks and 2 x 4-card Extra Decks) (a total of 80 Common Cards and 8 Ultra Rare Cards)
    • One 64-page teaching comic book
  • This factory sealed Yu-Gi-Oh! booster box contains 24 booster packs each containing 9 randomly assorted cards from the Tactical Masters series.
  • This factory sealed Yu-Gi-Oh! booster box contains 36 booster packs each containing 5 randomly assorted cards from the Synchro Storm Series.
  • RELEASES January 23rd 2024   The King is not amused…but he will be – and you will, too! – with the brand-new “Evil HERO” monsters coming in Supreme Darkness! Supreme King Jaden’s “Evil HERO” monsters are back in a big way! Evil versions of Elemental Heroes Bubbleman and Prisma are coming, and the Supreme King’s new version of Neos, which has the power to take over your opponent’s monsters! There are plenty of “Evil HERO” Fusion Monsters to choose from, and this set adds even more, plus new support cards to make it easier than ever. If you’re looking for something in the fast lane, it’s time to speed back into action with new “Spheroid” cards that make Synchro Summoning a breeze! There are two new Pendulum/Tuner Speedroid monsters, plus a couple of new Synchro Monsters styled after Yugo’s favorites, including the biggest “Clear Wing” Synchro Dragon yet. Put the pedal to the metal and leave your opponents in the dust! Fans of Synchro Summoning can also grab new “Crystron” monsters, including a new Synchro Monster. Keep an eye out for a new Level 2 Tuner that can Special Summon a “Crystron” anytime your opponent activates an effect, then you can immediately perform a Synchro Summon! And an all-new theme that are the masters of bouncing around the field makes its grand debut in Supreme Darkness. This Deck works by placing its Continuous Trap Monsters straight into your Spell and Trap Zone. As face-up Continuous Traps, they give constant buffs to all your Warrior monsters. But when you want, these Trap Cards can spring to life as Warrior monsters themselves, then bounce back to the safety of the Spell and Trap Zone when things get too hectic, ready to pop out again when the time is right. You can look forward to all of this and so much more that is yet to emerge from the Supreme Darkness! Supreme Darkness has 101 new cards in total, including a brand-new World Premiere theme that you won’t want to miss. It also continues the 25th Anniversary Celebration by including 25 Quarter Century Secret Rares, including 1 special card! Supreme Darkness contains: 10 Secret Rares 14 Ultra Rares 26 Super Rares 50 Commons
  • RELEASES January 23rd 2024 The King is not amused…but he will be – and you will, too! – with the brand-new “Evil HERO” monsters coming in Supreme Darkness! Supreme King Jaden’s “Evil HERO” monsters are back in a big way! Evil versions of Elemental Heroes Bubbleman and Prisma are coming, and the Supreme King’s new version of Neos, which has the power to take over your opponent’s monsters! There are plenty of “Evil HERO” Fusion Monsters to choose from, and this set adds even more, plus new support cards to make it easier than ever. If you’re looking for something in the fast lane, it’s time to speed back into action with new “Spheroid” cards that make Synchro Summoning a breeze! There are two new Pendulum/Tuner Speedroid monsters, plus a couple of new Synchro Monsters styled after Yugo’s favorites, including the biggest “Clear Wing” Synchro Dragon yet. Put the pedal to the metal and leave your opponents in the dust! Fans of Synchro Summoning can also grab new “Crystron” monsters, including a new Synchro Monster. Keep an eye out for a new Level 2 Tuner that can Special Summon a “Crystron” anytime your opponent activates an effect, then you can immediately perform a Synchro Summon! And an all-new theme that are the masters of bouncing around the field makes its grand debut in Supreme Darkness. This Deck works by placing its Continuous Trap Monsters straight into your Spell and Trap Zone. As face-up Continuous Traps, they give constant buffs to all your Warrior monsters. But when you want, these Trap Cards can spring to life as Warrior monsters themselves, then bounce back to the safety of the Spell and Trap Zone when things get too hectic, ready to pop out again when the time is right. You can look forward to all of this and so much more that is yet to emerge from the Supreme Darkness! Supreme Darkness has 101 new cards in total, including a brand-new World Premiere theme that you won’t want to miss. It also continues the 25th Anniversary Celebration by including 25 Quarter Century Secret Rares, including 1 special card! Supreme Darkness contains: 10 Secret Rares 14 Ultra Rares 26 Super Rares 50 Commons
  • Releases 6th of June!Realm of Light focuses on the Lightsworn Deck theme, which has been a very popular Deck for a number of years; reprints of Lightsworn cards have been the primary drivers for other products. Lightsworn Monsters are blessed with incredible effects, high ATK/DEF, or both; this Structure Deck comes with the most powerful of the Lightsworn forces. Lightsworn have never had Extra Deck monsters before, but that all changes with the all-new Synchro Monster, Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn, capable of banishing any enemy card while refilling your Deck and your Life Points! The Deck also includes 2 Lightsworn Tuner monsters! Finally, a vulnerability of Lightsworn Decks is finally redressed with Lightsworn Sanctuary, a world-premiere Spell Card!The Realm of Light Structure Deck comes with a total of 41 cards:
    • 2 Ultra Rares
    • 2 Super Rares
    • 37 Commons
  • Darkness returns this winter with a brand-new Structure Deck: Dark World* Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World first debuted in the game-shaking Structure Deck: Gates of the Underworld and its return is now nigh! Structure Deck: Dark World brings this notorious theme back to the human world with a slew of new features! Here?s just some of what you can expect: Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World has received a promotion! This new form of Reign-Beaux Level 8 monster with 3000 ATK can Special Summon itself from the Graveyard (GY) simply by returning a Level 7 or lower ?Dark World? monster from your field to your hand. If it is discarded to the GY, you can add a Level 5 or higher ?Dark World? monster from your Deck to your hand, and if it was your opponent who forced you to discard, watch out? Reign-Beaux isn?t the only one who?s been waiting for this day for over a decade! The great dragon lord Grapha has a brand-new form as well! The new Grapha is a Fusion Monster Summoned using Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World and any other DARK monster. You can Summon it with a new Spell Card that lets you Fusion Summon by discarding cards, triggering the effects of any ?Dark World? monsters used as well as other powerful DARK monsters like the ?Danger!? monsters. While this new Fusion Monster is on the field, you can hijack an opponent?s Normal Spell/Trap Card or monster effect, turning it into a discard effect that unleashes your ?Dark World? monsters? true power! This new Structure Deck is playable right out of the box ? the Dark World army awaits you! Each Structure Deck contains: 5 Ultra Rare Cards, 3 Super Rare Cards, 37 Common Cards 1 Double-sided Deluxe Game Mat/Dueling Guide
  • Structure Deck: The Crimson King puts you in the driver’s seat of the Phoenix Whirlwind!

  • Releases 13th February 2025Prepare yourself for the next chapter of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon strategy: The electrifyingly awesome Blue-Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck! This 51-card Deck has everything you need to take your “Blue-Eyes” Deck to its next stage of invincibility. The all-powerful Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon! This Level 12 Synchro isn’t just a Synchro Monster, it’s a Synchro Monstrosity! Once per turn, this Dragon can negate any effect activated by your opponent on the field. And when it does, it also consumes the negated effect to gain 1000 Attack Points for the turn. But wait – there’s more! It also shields your Graveyard so that your opponent can’t banish any of the cards located there. And in the unlikely event your opponent can overcome its 3500 Attack Points, you can just Summon another LIGHT Dragon monster from your Graveyard – even a Blue-Eyes White Dragon! A new Synchro needs a new Tuner! Neo Kaiser Sea Horse is a Level 4 Tuner that gives you instant access to the tools you need, by Special Summoning itself from your hand, and adjusting the Level of any Tuner (even itself!) by +/- 1. This gives you maximum flexibility for whatever’s the best monster to Synchro Summon. And it can access your “Blue-Eyes” monsters from your Deck by sending them directly to your Graveyard, for easy revival! Now check out the latest new Spell Card! Roar of the Blue-Eyed Dragons lets you Summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon straight out of your Deck, Graveyard, or banishment. Or, if you already have Blue-Eyes White Dragon on the field, you can Summon any “Blue-Eyes” monster you want, instead! This powerful Spell Card also gives you a bonus Fusion Summon once it’s in the Graveyard.Maiden of White is another powerful addition to this Deck. Every time this elusive Tuner is targeted (including by your own effects!), you can Summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon or any Level 1 LIGHT Tuner from your Graveyard. And whenever you Summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon, you can Summon Maiden of White from your Graveyard. And unlike most effects, Maiden of White never banishes herself after using this effect, so you can use it continuously throughout the Duel. Plus the very first Link Monster for your “Blue-Eyes” Deck, a brand new Xyz Monster, and so much more! The Deck is packed with the cards that any “Blue-Eyes” Duelist needs for their Deck, like Blue-Eyes Alternative White DragonBlue-Eyes Jet Dragon, and even 3 copies of Sage with Eyes of Blue! It also has incredible cards like Nibiru the Primal BeingAsh Blossom & Joyous SpringInfinite ImpermanenceEffect Veiler, and more!UPDATED October 28, 2024: And since it’s our 25th Anniversary, of course we’re including a little Quarter Century sparkle. In addition to the full 50-card Deck, each Deck will also include a bonus extra card, a 2nd copy of Maiden of WhiteWishes for Eyes of Blue, or Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon. All 3 cards are already included in the Deck as Ultra Rares, but you’ll also get a Secret Rare second copy of 1 of those 3 cards. What’s more, there’s a chance of that Secret Rare card upgrading to a Quarter Century Secret Rare, instead!Structure Deck: Blue-Eyes White Destiny comes with 51 cards: 5 Ultra Rares 3 Super Rares 42 Commons 1 Secret Rare (a second copy of 1 of 3 of the Ultra Rare cards mentioned above), with a small chance of being Quarter Century Secret Rare instead of Secret Rare  *set contents subject to change
  • Watch your step, the footing is treacherous and full of ?Trap Holes? in Structure Deck: Beware of Traptrix! The popular ?Traptrix? strategy from Yu-Gi-Oh! MASTER DUEL now has its own Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Structure Deck! The ?Traptrix? theme is comprised of EARTH Plant and Insect-Type monsters that may appear cute on the surface, but the closer you get the more you?ll find that they?re truly nefarious. This strategy revolves around ?Traptrix? monsters that help you Set powerful ?Trap Hole? Trap Cards that can drop your opponent?s monsters right out of the Duel! In this Structure Deck you?ll find key ?Traptrix? and ?Trap Hole? cards from the past alongside powerful brand-new cards! The new Structure Deck: Beware of Traptrix also gives you another chance to pick up iconic Trap Cards and many ?Trap Hole? cards! Lure your opponents to a lovely feast, where going back is not an option. Make sure to check out the Photon Hypernova booster set for more new cards that can take your new Structure Deck: Beware of Traptrix to the next level!
  • RELEASES 24th August 2023

    Attention Duelists! The Battle City Tournament is underway!

    In the Yu‑Gi‑Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG) Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City box, you and your friends can take on the roles of Yugi Muto and Joey Wheeler as they Duel their way to the Battle City quarterfinals. But don’t expect it to be easy – many other Duelists have the same goal! Mako Tsunami, Weevil Underwood, and Espa Roba are all vying for a spot as well, and the mysterious Marik has sent Seeker the Rare Hunter, Arkana the Magician, and Strings the Quiet One to stop you!Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City comes with 8 Pre-Constructed Decks ready-to-play right out of the box! You can relive classic moments from the show with brand-new Skill Cards that will make you feel as if you are right in the action Dueling on the streets of Battle City!Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City is full of cards that are brand new to Speed Duel, and if you missed out on the original Speed Duel: Battle City Box, you’ll have another chance to get your hands on some of the powerful cards that were introduced there! Each Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City box alsocomes with 8 Secret Rares that could include iconic cards like Yugi’s Dark Magician Girl and Joey’s Flame Swordsman! Do you and your friends have what it takes to rise to the top and survive the streets of Battle City?!  Each Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City box contains a grand total of 228 cards, all usable in Speed Duel:200 Common Cards, 20 Skill Cards8 (of 24) Secret Rare Cards2 of the 8 Secret Rares in every box will be Slifer the Sky Dragon and Arkana’s Dark Magician.4 Deluxe 2-Player Game Mats featuring Yami Yugi and ArkanaTo use a card in Speed Duel it must have the Speed Duel symbol on the card. Cards without the symbol are not legal, but Speed Duel cards can be used in the Yu‑Gi‑Oh! TCG. Skill Cards may only be used in Speed Duel.
  • Step into the shoes of the Slifer Red students ? or their opponents ? in Speed Duel GX: Midterm Paradox Mini Box! In the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX animated series, Dr. Crowler hired the Paradox Brothers to teach Jaden Yuki and Syrus Truesdale a lesson! Now you can step into the shoes of the Slifer Red students ? or their opponents ? in Speed Duel GX: Midterm Paradox Mini Box! Speed Duel GX: Midterm Paradox Mini Box expands on the Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box introducing even more cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX animated series that are new to Speed Duel! Speed Duel GX: Midterm Paradox contains 4 complete Speed Duel Decks with over 100 cards ready-to-play out of the box! Here is just some of what you can expect. Pre-built Decks for Jaden Yuki, Syrus Truesdale, Bastion Misawa, and the Paradox Brothers! Brand-new Skill Cards for iconic Yu-Gi-Oh! GX characters! Explore new strategies with additional cards and upgrade the Speed Duel Decks you already own! Discover Secret Rare variants of popular GX-era cards! Play with it on its own, or as a perfect complement to the Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box Each Speed Duel GX: Midterm Paradox Mini Box contains: 100 Common Cards 4 (of 12) Secret Rare Cards 12 Skill Cards 2 Two-Player Jaden Yuki & Syrus Truesdale Deluxe Game Mat To use a card in Speed Duel it must have the Speed Duel Symbol on the card, cards without the Symbol are not legal, but Speed Duel cards can be used in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG. Skill Cards may only be used in Speed Duel.
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